This antique bronze bust portrays a French nobleman and is signed by renowned sculptor Ernest Rancoulet. Created in the 1900's, this patinated bronze sculpture is a stunning example of French metalware collectibles. The European influence is evident in the feather cap atop the nobleman's head. This bronze sculpture is a true masterpiece, crafted with the utmost attention to detail. The material and country/region of manufacture add to its value and uniqueness. This object type is a must-have for collectors and lovers of art alike. Ernest Rancoulet (French 1870-1915) patinated bust of a nobleman, wearing a feathered cap, ruffled shirt, and a large medallion, affixed to a round marble base, signed on left side, "Rancoulet." 29.25" H x 15" W x 14" D.
• Seller: Old Europe Antique Home Furnishings (512) 686 6531,, ask for Greg! • Door to door delivery available! • Inexpensive shipping options available, contact me for a quote. • Wear and imperfections commensurate with age and use sh up "Old World Elegance at Reasonable Prices!"