Antique Letters of Bolingbroke, 1752, Philosophy Utrecht Treaty Commerce War!

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1752 Letters of Bolingbroke Philosophy Treaty of Utrecht Commerce WAR

“Worry is the only insupportable misfortune of life.” – Henry St John, Viscount I, Bolingbroke

Henry St John Bolingbroke was an 18th-century English political philosopher. His ‘Letters of History’ first appeared in 1749 and are a culmination of his philosophical works. These works of his philosophical theories would have a lasting influence on important philosophers like Pope, Voltaire, and Mirabeau. Bolingbroke took much of his political and philosophical ideas from John Locke and wrote nearly each of his works with anti-clerical and anti-religious themes.

The second volume of this 1752 edition contains a historical view of the state of Europe before the Treaty of Utrecht was signed. Bolingbroke was one of the men who wrote the contents of the Treaty of Utrecht. Other important topics include British commerce and trade, reign of Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire, correspondence of Philip II of Spain, and military campaigns in France.

BOLINGBROKE, Henry Saint John

Lettres sur l'histoire

[Paris] [Veuve de Noël Pissot] 1752


•Collation complete with all pages; 2 volume set:
oVol. I: [xxiii], [4], 330, 52, 8
oVol. II: 343, [xii], 81, [3], 18, [2]
oLetters individually paginated
•Language: French
•Binding: Leather; tight & secure
•Size: ~6.5in X 4in (16.5cm x 10cm)